Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
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1968 Stroud Paullin - Marin County
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Berkeley Marriott Landscape
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Hechtman Cabin - Jenner
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Marks Residence - Marin County
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Pajaro Dunes House
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Plumas County Museum
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1969 Sheraton Burlingame - San Mateo County
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1970 Shorebird Park Berkeley Marina
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections
1970 Snyder Residence - Nevada County
Photos from Osborne and Stewart Collections and from Jeff Gold